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Factory tour
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Factory tour

Conclusion of the Incubation Period for the 2nd batch of EFES KZ Intrapreneurship Hub

From July to November 2024, three teams from the second batch worked on developing their projects—building MVPs, testing them with early customers, and refining their business models.

Feedcom – the team of Oksana Gadiyeva, Olga Kudina, Zhasulan Zamedinov, and AraiIym Igibayeva developed a system for drying brewer's yeast. During testing, they successfully sold 40 kg of the product, confirming its effectiveness for farmers. The next step is to establish production and enter the market.

Magic Tap – HR platform for flexible benefits, presented by Aidanа Belasarova, Dinara Tadzhikulova, Ainur Bakirova, and Elena Ustinova. Research showed that 50% of companies are interested in the service, and 30% are ready to implement the platform.

Beer Bar – a project by Alexander Rykov, Ksenia Sikorskaya, Aidana Zhumabekova, and Alexander Belonosov, developing portioned beer additives. Testing in 10 HoReCa establishments revealed a 20% repeat purchase rate, and over 150 bars expressed interest in selling the product.

On November 26, 2024, during Demo Day, the winner was announced – the Feedcom team, which received investment from EFES Kazakhstan and has begun the commercialization stage. The other projects plan to continue their development in the next batch of the EFES KZ Intrapreneurship Hub.