
He graduated from Istanbul University with a degree in Economics in 1994 and an MBA from Istanbul University in 1997.
He has extensive experience in the FMCG sector in sales and marketing and general management since September 1994.
In February 2020, he began to work at Anadolu Holding as the General Director of Anadolu Efes in Georgia.
In March 2023, he was appointed as General Director of Anadolu Efes in Kazakhstan.

Graduated from Karadeniz Technical University (Economics).
In 2006 he joined EFES Turkey Ankara factory as Human Resources Specialist.
From 2010 to 2013 he was appointed as Head of Compensation and Benefits Department at Anadolu EFES Headquarters.
From 2014 he was appointed to EFES Rus, held the position of Head of HR of Compensation and Benefits Department respectively.
He was a member of the integration team of ABInBev and EFES Rus companies between September 17, 2017 and March 18, 2017. He was later appointed as Compensation and Benefits Manager between April 2018 and July 2018, he was responsible for the Russian and Ukrainian markets.
In August 2018, Mr. Fatih Teksal was appointed as Director of Human Resources at Anadolu EFES Kazakhstan.

Graduated from Moscow State University, Institute of Afro-Asian Studies, 1993.
As of 09.07.2012, Mr. Chingiz Kaskeev is appointed at Efes Kazakhstan Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Director.

In 2004 she graduated from the Karaganda Economic University with major in Accounting and Audit. Two years later - obtained Master’s degree at Karaganda Economic University.
In 2019 studied at the Synergy University, mini MBA, Strategic Management.
In 2021 completed a course at the Institute of Neurographics with a specialization in Aesthetic Coaching.
In 2003, Oxana was hired as an accountant at Efes Kazakhstan.
Appointed to the position of Financial Control Supervisor in 2009.
In 2013 she became Information Systems Manager, and two years later continued her career as Financial Control Manager.
Appointed as IDS Business Engagement Director in 2022.

Zeynep graduated from Bilkent University, Business Administration.
She joined Anadolu EFES Turkey in 2004 as a Sales Representative.
In 2005 she moved to Marketing Directorate as Marketing Specialist, Anadolu Efes Turkey.
In 2006 Zeynep received promotion to Marketing Supervisor in Anadolu Efes Turkey.
Since 2012 Zeynep has been working on managerial position as Marketing Manager, Anadolu Efes Turkey Marketing Directorate.
Since September 2019 Zeynep works for EFES Kazakhstan as Marketing Director in Almaty.

Ozgur graduated from Dokuz Eylul University Economy.
In 2000 Ozgur received promotion to Sales Point Supervisor position at Anadolu Efes Turkey Mediterranean.
Since 2006 he worked as Market Development Supervisor at Anadolu Efes Turkey Mediterranean.
In 2006 he was appointed to Sales Chief position at Anadolu Efes Turkey Mediterranean.
In 2009 Ozgur moved to Efes Beer Group Azerbaijan as Country Head.
Since September 2019 Ozgur works for EFES Kazakhstan as Sales Director in Almaty.

Graduated from Hacettepe University, Turkey and University of Harriot Watt, UK.
He joined Anadolu EFES Turkey in 1996 as a Project and Site Manager.
In 1998, he was transferred to Chief and Manager positions in the production of EFES Romania, as well as INTERBREW Romania.
From February to October 2002 he worked as Project and Site Manager at Anadolu EFES Turkey.
From 2002 to 2008, he held the position of Deputy Operation Manager at the Rostov plant EFES Russia, then Technical Manager of plants in the cities of Rostov and Ufa.
From 2009 to 2010, he held the position Plant Director at EFES Kazakhstan, Karaganda city, after which he was transferred to the position of Country Technical Director at EFES
Kazakhstan representative office in Almaty from 2010 to 2013.
From 2013 to 2016, he worked as Country Technical Director of EFES Ukraine representative office in Kiev.
From January 2016 to June 2016, he worked as Brewery Technology Manager at the Anadolu EFES Head Office in Istanbul.
Since November 2018 Mr. Fedai Coskun is holding a position of a Technical Director of EFES Kazakhstan in Almaty and Karaganda.

She graduated from the Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylay Khan, as well as Almaty University of Technology and Business.
She joined EFES Kazakhstan in 2002 as an Assistant to Commercial Director.
In 2004, she was promoted to the position of Purchasing Specialist, and same year, Ms. Nigara Yunussova was promoted to the position of Import/ Export Supervisor.
In 2006, she was appointed as Purchasing Manager.
Since 2020, Mrs. Nigara Yunussova is holding a position of a Director of Logistics, Procurement and Planning.

Metin has graduated from Bilkent University with major in Management and Business Administration in 2022.
Joined Anadolu Group in 2002 as a Finance Specialist.
In 2006 was promoted to Finance Manager position in Efes Russia and assigned to various roles until 2014 in Efes beer group.
From 2014 to 2021 he was a Finance Director in Efes Georgia.
In 2021 Metin joined Efes Kazakhstan as Finance Director after his assignment in Georgia.